
Project: Analysis of Facial Tissue Movements using Artificial Intelligence

PI: Dr. Debanga Raj Neog

The eye and facial movements are important to humans because they convey subtle information about a person's mental state (e.g., attention, intention, emotion) and physical state (e.g., age, health, fatigue). These movements, which generate facial expressions, are carefully scrutinized by humans in social settings. In our lab, we are focused on developing Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based systems for measuring, modeling, and animating eye gaze and facial tissue deformations for applications in healthcare and computer animation. We use high frame rate vision systems to capture human faces and apply data-driven approaches to analyze and model facial expressions. In the healthcare sector, facial movement analysis can be used to develop tools for rapid assessments of mental health and to build patient-computer interaction systems. In computer graphics, we can create real-time and hyper-realistic computer-generated animations of human eyes and faces in creating convincing and interactive animation characters.

Supported by:
  • SERB Startup Research Grant (from Science and Engineering Research Board, India), 2022
  • Startup Research Grant (from IITG), 2022